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Earthquake Alerts

3 reviews
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Get the latest earthquake information

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Experience heightened awareness of global seismic activity with Earthquake Alerts, a proficient application designed to keep individuals informed about earthquakes as they occur worldwide. With its user-friendly Holo-designed interface, users can stay updated with the most recent earthquake data. Personalization options are plentiful, allowing the selection from three distinct Holo themes and setting notifications to align with preferences for time frequency and earthquake magnitude.

Key features include:

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- Real-time tracking of global earthquake events.

- Customizable notification alerts based on selected criteria for magnitude and frequency, ensuring prompt information about the tremors that matter.

- The ability to select the minimum magnitude for alerts, providing control over the significance of the events to be notified about.

The app serves as a valuable tool for those who require immediate earthquake updates or have a vested interest in seismic activities. It offers the capacity to monitor and receive vital information about tectonic occurrences, enhancing preparedness and knowledge of Earth's dynamic processes. Access to customer assistance is available through email for guidance or support. For an enhanced experience, upgrading to Earthquake Alerts Pro is an option, offering additional features for those deeply invested in earthquake monitoring.

This review has been crafted using the insights provided by Monzonito.

Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 2.3, 2.3.1, 2.3.2 or higher required

Information about Earthquake Alerts 1.3.3

Package Name com.monzonito.earthquakealerts
License Free
Op. System Android
Category News/Magazines
Language English
39 more
Author Monzonito
Downloads 10,983
Date Jan 29, 2022
Content Rating +3
Advertisement Not specified
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Older versions

apk 1.2.0 Jun 16, 2016

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